April 28, 2009 Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Did my zuo wen for like 1/2 hour ++ with ronda, melissa, francis and jun xiong after CME. Rushed and rushed until Ronda was jealous of my 5 pages work :D okay luh, had to rush for CCA photo taking at 3.45pm. Melissa the monkey keep calling me POLAR BEAR xD
Either Melissa or Ronda said," Aiyoh, Kah Yoke calling you to change clothes with her!"
-.- Today is considered as an unlucky day for me too. CCA photo taking take so long to finish. Then went to buy drink, keep dropping all the coins in my wallet, then I SLIPPED AND FELL at the bus stop! so awkward and embarassing leh lol. Then, waited for my 109 bus to arrive for more than 30 minutes -_-. Last but not least, I had to stand in the middle of the crowd on the bus throughout the 20 minutes journey.
I have no idea why heaven is against me today. so unlucky, I even lost my correction tape.
I am so pissed off by my unluckiness. I hate it. Hope tomorrow will b a better day. Anyway, SO jiayou! haha, peiyu and mr tien not in class tomorow. Mdm shen tkaing over free periods? lol.
okayy. got to go now. Byeee!Labels: Diabolical Malediction
April 27, 2009 Monday, April 27, 2009
i've been slacking and slacking. zomggggggggggggggggggg!
Save me!
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
-Thomas Jefferson
Commitment leads to action. Action brings your dream closer.
-Marcia Wieder
If you wish success in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brother, and hope your guardian genius.
-unknown ( probably me HAHA)
okay! study hard from now on!Labels: Diabolical Malediction
April 24, 2009 Friday, April 24, 2009
today's first 3 periods were Biology, then Physics. zomg. Geography test! D; then english.
A maths test! D: then went to class 3F to put my rcy stuff. Rui Xi keep wanting to go home cos she said she was sick lol. Azizah, Michelle, Shi hui, francis, kah yoke, yong kai and I went -.- 7 only?!
Haiiz. We had to lead the secondary 2s and 1s cheers before having a competition. Argh, It was super boring but there's nothing we could do. They don't listen to us much. had PT and had to change from FULL - U to mufti -.- within 7 minutes. Okay that was okay as during LTC camp we had to change within 4 minutes. HAHA, we hadto change back to FULL-U again -.- before having our presentation of the R&R of future NCOs, blah blah blah. Lastly, We had our Q&A and ma'am keep calling Francis GU NIANG xD he emo-ed during today's training. Had dismissal before francis found out that he had 'lost' his juior's thumbdrive.
I WAITED FOR HIM FOR A SUPER DUPER UBER LONG TIME AND EVEN SEE THE WIND ORCHESTRA CELEBRATING/ BIDING FAREWELL to their seniors. Lol, Rui Qin keep pestering me and once he said," ehh. ronda zai na li!" -.-
okay. TIRED NOW. bye!Labels: Diabolical Malediction
April 23, 2009 Thursday, April 23, 2009
Forced by Mel to post ;P
okay. today was pretty okay, Phy was as usual. Geog was okay. LOL, PE - running around recklessly. We had this Dance named as," .......vene....something...lou...something" I forgot lol. I don't even know where I am heading to HAHA. Terry said I held his hand too tight, fine, I'll loosen my grip next time :D
okay, everything went pretty well until MA's free period. Ronyuan/ kaida came over to my seat and blabbered about biology. LOLS! had so much fun learning bio together and being a DDP too (fyi: Dian Deng Pao) xDDDDDDD Initially, I kept blocking Kaiyuan from looking at Ronda together with Benjamin and Peiyu. Then Benjamin said," Later he fang dian, dian wrong person." HAHA xD okay... :P
After LE we had OUR BIOLOGY CLASS TEST! zomg. I have no comments. Okay okay okay, rushed for art lesson and got scolded by miss kong. Qiao po had misunderstood what miss kong had said and the misunderstanding soon aggravated, passing from Si hui to corine and to me. Lucky Miss kong wasn't in a bad mood, she forgo us :D
Sprinted to the canteen and had lunch with Qiao Po. Both of us kept complaining about the Biology test HAHAHA. And I wanted her to tell me the answers for the Geography test tomorrow but she just kept her mouth shut -.- nvm.
Our class continued and I just stood there silent. LOL, Si Hui, Corine and Qiao Po started to gossip about their ex-classmates, dunno who and Benedict, XINYI, then they kept on commenting on the looks for many many boys -.- Maybe thats the nature of girls. But to some extent, their comments are so hilarious - for example,"Xinyi emo she huo guai, so UGLY" HAHA! althought its very mean la D:
Okayy. Thats the end of my post. gonna rush for my A maths & geography test revision. Byeee!Labels: Diabolical Malediction
April 17, 2009 Friday, April 17, 2009
woohoo. Back to post at this dead blog again. Today was school anniversary parade :D
red cross was the GOH :DDD
Led by Sherilynn NCO :D - Three cheers for her!
GOH contingent was led by Zhi Ying NCO :D
Okay. Today I woke up late around 11am + cos I stayed up late yesterday night at around 1am+. HAHA, more than 8 hours of sleep. Rushed to school by 12.45pm cos we were to fall in at 1pm sharp. hmm, nothing much until we went to the DNT room to watch the video of our previous trainings.
LOL! damn hilarious. Initially, they showed the video of NDP's marching blah blah blah. Then they showed us our school de, HAHAHA! especially ______. Never mind, I don't wish to disgrace her haha. Okay, back to another rehearsal again and again. Last but not least, we were to change back from Mufti to Full Uniform in 20 minutes. Cool, better than LTC 4 minutes :D I put on my guard belt and wore my beret. LOL, still have sash -.- make me look like a christmas tree or Apuneh (no offence HAHAHA). We had to pin here pin there cos my guard belt too big le D: the size was XL somemore. Gahh, rushed to the form-up point and had my final adjustments. Haha, NCO made us massage one another to relieve the nervousness and stress.
POOM POOM POOM! there we go, marching to the parade square where all the other supporting contingents are waiting. Hmm, everything went pretty well and the VIP was fast :D We had our march-pass and left, yuck, the sash was refraining me from marching properly HAHA - cos Ben said we marched very weirdly lol.
Then we had our Unit Photo. LOLS, Rui Xi is so bad. She pinched Adriel's butt when they took the photo. She even said that Adriel's expression was very funny HAHA. I guess so. They pplayed around and kept taking photos of the GOH uniform. woo, So proud to wear the guard belt and sash HAHA cos its so fulfilling. Had a light dinner in school of Nasi Lemak without fish or chicken; just plainly ottah and Ikan bilis. My orange juice was so diluted zomg. Ah nevermind, since I had my heavier dinner of Laksa at Killiney with my parents :D

OKAY. I have no idea why I looked to the side with Francis HAHA. okay BYEEE!Labels: Diabolical Malediction