St.Nicholas Run & Fiesta
March 29, 2008 Saturday, March 29, 2008
WOW. I have just returned from CHIJ St.Nicholas Girls School.It was so crowded. I saw quite a number of CHS and Ex-SNGS students. Yeah, i met up with Joey and Kai Yuan around 9 am in school to do class deco and then,we went to AMK to have our lunch at the McDonalds. At AMK hub, a bevy of students from 3 schools [NYGHS, Dunman high and forgot the last one] asked us to donate and I just smiled and walked away.I'm so mean :P. Seriously, I have no idea what's the occasion. Never mind about that. Subsequently, three of us boarded 265 and Joey alighted first because she did not intend to go to St.Nicks. We went on and on and suddenly, the bus stopped and the whole road was jammed with cars. The cars were parked outside CHIJSNGS and the people were uncountable. I think the people wo had went there could sum up to over 6000 people, including the St.Nicks sudents.
Slowly. the bus moved to the bus stop and we alighted swiftly, I seriously can't believe that so many people alighted the bus with us to go to St.Nicks. LOL.
Kai yuan called his sister through my handphone when she's just standing right in front of us along with her friends. Waste my battery! Kai Yuan's sister passed me my $10 ticket and I requested Kai Yuan to bring me around the school. WTH lo. I spent like 1 hour to walk around the school for 'sightseeing'. Part of the reason is that too many students were using the walk-way connecting from the forum/ amphi-theatre/ extention block, secondary block, primary block and to the school canteen. Yeah. The school Hall is like on a hill? Made me walk rounds and the best part is that, Kai Yuan and I went up and down ( the staircases). Before I could reach the flight of stairs to the canteen, I have to turn one around and go up again. SO TIRING. No "smooth" journey one. Partly because that the land is not really flat.
Anyways, the school was going to hold a Guiness World Record-breaking run which I did not have a chance to see because Kai yuan wanted to leave earlier or else, I might get lost in AMK. Congratulations to St.Nicks for breaking it(: Okay okay, back to my tour around St.Nicks, we walked to the school canteen and it was long but not really very big. From the outside, it looks rather big but actually it isn't. The school hall is not as big as I have anticipated. Lol. Students were selling clothes in the school hall. LOL. Everywhere are beige and red buildings. D: But next time, they are going to change :D I walked rounds and rounds around the extention block D:
Next, we walked from the school hall to the primary school hall thorugh an open-air bridge. Haha. After which, we proceeded to another open-air gallery [ Placed with many marble seats] in which I sighted the exotic view of the whole track and the clock tower. Yeah, it was awesome. This round-shaped open-air gallery can be seen in the 10th and 13th photo counting from the top to the bottom. Red in colour one. Yeahs. According to kai Yuan, the location where the principal usually stands is the empty space [With metal railings] just right beneath the round-shaped edge of the Open-air gallery. I almost wanted to step into that place to snap some photos. LOL.
There were so many stalls and rides! I did not have the chance to play them all la. Some of the rides are so expensive that the whole of $10 ticket has to be used up. So i refused to play :P
After that, we passed by the art and crafts room and back to the first floor. I didn't get to see Kai yuan's sister's classroom because it was locked. Anyways, according to kai yuan, the classroom does not have doors but something that can be tied over them. But, I don't really belive his as I saw rooms with doors -.-
*sighs* There are really too many staircases and the school's going to undergo P.R.I.M.E soon. So that means the school is going to be bigger? St.Nicks is going to build a theatre according to kai Yuan's sister.
Last but not least, it started to rain when we were at the basket ball court which was at the other end of the school. We had to walk and walk and walk to the school hall and that was the time when i noticed a staircase leading to the bottom at the walk-way connecting the secondary block. I suggested that it should be the music room beacuse musical instruments were displayed near there. For your information, the picture right below is the gate at the school hall and the 3rd last picture is the gate that is near the road and the track. In total, i think there are three gates as the third one should be near the secondary block. Yeah. That's all! I've got to go now(:
[P.S. The photos are not in order but they are still pictures I took at st.nicks]
Took this from google earth. look at the size of the school.
Haha.This place is near the school hall. Oh, it's the concourse area.
Wah, have lower and upper concourse area.
The back view of the school. If you look carefully, it's raining.
These are what I have bought and left. I wasted TEN DOLLARS. T_T
The flight of stairs leading up to the ermm...adminstration block from the school canteen bah.
The sports hall and the adminstration block [With the statues of Dunno who] if I'm not wrong.
ARCADE at the lower concourse!!! Wth. So rich until can have arcade.
More rides and stalls... I think the people here don't earn lo. Very little people went there.

School floor plan?
Look at that ride!
The front view of the school :D
Secondary classrooms plan. I have no idea why I took a photo if this. :X

Looking down at the stadium seats. Yeah, this is the round-shaped Open-air gallery.
The side view of the school. SO COOL.
People coming in.
HAHA. Childish rides.
Canteen. Wth. Have 7 eleven stall. LOL.
This is the Primary school hall + Secondary School hall = St.Nicks school hall (:
This is the ermm.. the bridge between the primary block and the school hall.
Clock tower and the tennis court? Lol.
This is either the amphi-theatre or
St.Nicks is 75 years old le. So old ( as in older than me :P)
From PR - SK -YCK - AMK hub - oppo. SNGS - Behind SNGS - oppo. AJC - SK - PR.
*sighs* Very tired today.
Labels: Diabolical Malediction
I have just posted(:
March 27, 2008 Thursday, March 27, 2008
Wow. I have just posted for the sake of the fool who had asked me to update :D
Drats, tomorrow is gonna be a very busy day for me. From 8am to 7pm, i'll be in school for class decoration, CCA and school anniversary concert. It should be a school holiday duh! But why do i have to go back to school by 8am again? Over 1400 of my schoolmates are going back to school by 1pm to 4pm and me?..In the morning?! Wth. D:
Saturday is gonna be another busy day for me again. I'll be going to St.Nicks for their fiesta along with kai yuan, his sister and his sister's friends. WHY ISN'T ALPHONSUS GOING TOO? since his sister is studying in St.Nicks class 6 Peace. So we can like go together? :X Damn his religious class D:
I feel so weird going with them. Then if Kai yuan's sister's friends have to call me, they have to like..."Hey kai yin's younger brother's classmate, blah blah blah...." :/
Nvmd. Have to give Kai Yuan's sister $10 (Price of the fiesta ticket) and meet the rest of them at Compass Point by 1pm ++ bah.
:X Anyways, I'm going to fail my maths test! D: BUT I HOPE NOT :D
BYELabels: Diabolical Malediction
Ryan Higa Show
March 16, 2008 Sunday, March 16, 2008
Narrator: And now the Ryan Higa Show, Hosted by Ryan Higa
Ryan: Thank you, thank you. All right, up first is our guest, Helga Fatonella!
Ryan: Come, have a seat, have a seat.
Ryan: So Helga, I see you that you have an obsession with cats?
Helga: Yeah, I love cats.
Ryan: And I see you that your favourite cat's name is, Fluffy?
Helga: Yes, she is really fluffy and she is like this big.Oh, I think I brought along....blah blah blah....for her.
Helga:Fluffy, Fluffly, come here right, you come here right now!
Helga: Here is fluffy. *pulls out and strokes the 'cat'*
Ryan: *shocked*
Ryan: Helga, i see that you are suffering from
Also known as - UGLY.
Helga: I know it is hard to believe when I do have UGLY.
Ryan: So helga, helga, can i ask...helga, can i...can i ask you a question?
Helga's Cat: *Meow**Meow**Meow**Meow*
Ryan: Helga, can you please put Fluffy away?
Helga: Okay, Bye fluffly.
Ryan: So helga, tell me more about yourself. Do you have any hobbies or talents that you like to do?
Helga: Oh, i can do this!
Helga: *did a very dumb act*
Ryan: *Shocked*
Ryan: Wow, that's an interesting talent you got there Helga. But I have a confident conclusion that not only do you have UGLY, but you have another disorder known as
Also known as DUMBASS.
Helga: So I have UGLY and I'm a DUMBASS?
Ryan: Yes helga, I'm sorry to say this but..You're an UGLY DUMBASS.
Ryan: Helga Helga, it's okay, snap out of this, snap out of this, snap out of this, it's okay, Helga, it's okay... *hits Helga*
Ryan: Anyone in the audience has any questions?
Ryan: Ya, you over there!
Sean: Ya, I was wondering, Why is she so UGLY?
Helga: *Angry** Runs over to Sean and beats him up*
Sean: Stop it! Stop it! Awh~ I'm sorry I'm telling you , Someone help me, please...
Helga: Get in, get in there~ ! *beats Sean's butt and pushes him underneath the chair*
Ryan: *Shocked**Tried to stop them*
Ryan: WHAT THE *TOOT* ?!
Ryan: Helga, that was horrible, how could you do that?! And what have you got to say for youself ?!
Helga: I LOVE CATS, T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U! *walks off*
*Plays the song 'BAD DAY'*
Helga: *Continues to beat up Sean*
Ryan: And that concludes, the Ryan Higa Show.
Sean: Help me please~!
Helga: *Pulls Sean away and beats him up*
Ryan: Thank you! *walks off*
This is the skit from Ryan Higa's Show :D
Labels: Diabolical Malediction
March 14, 2008 Friday, March 14, 2008
March 11, 2008 Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I just posted because of the boredom that is killing me
*sighs* Getting bored.
VIP's application starts this Sunday:D The answers on NCelz are crap.
Since when did "BRB" become "Just Kidding"?! and themoticon "=)" means "Demon". LOL. Bloody Safety On The Internet assignment.
It sounds rather amusing.HAHA. As for the maths assignment. I scored 4/14. Because I put UNITS ?! -_-
Vivian and Xu Ron scored 0/14. Poor things. LOL.
Talked crap with Francis, XR, Vi²[an], KY and along with WX. LOL.
Francis keep [D/C]-ing. Triggered Xr's anger. Haha.
Can't be bothered by these stuff. *sighs*
*dreams of VIP*
Okay la, I got to go now. A mountain of HOMEWORK to complete =S
Labels: Diabolical Malediction
March 9, 2008 Sunday, March 09, 2008
Wow. It has been a long time since I have blogged.
LOL. Hmm...I'm thinking of something to blog about...
Yeah,okay, let me talk about my dinner at Cafe Cartel a few days back. Yeah, it was okay, apart from the fact that the waiting time was exceptionally long. The family who sat right behind mine was like so frustrated and annoyed with the LONG waiting time and in the end, they *tapau* back their unfinished food. LOL. Never mind about them. None of my business.
Okay okay, I had the dish [*Forgot the name*] which includes Spaghetti, Grilled Chicken and marinated Salad. It was terrific and the price is rather reasonable as such the dish with so many "ingredients" - only costs $6.50. The serving was pretty big too (: Next, I had East Brownie Stack. Omg. It was very appetizing and "Full-ing". By looking at the menu, You woould never aniticipate the dessert to be as big as the dish I had earlier [The one aforementioned :D] It was delicious. Got to try it out!
Anyways, there's a constant supply of bread that can be served as a appetizer. The so-called "Bread Booth" is located near the entrance. HAHA. :D
Okay, back to the brownie stack. The dessert contains 2 sliced Brownies cake coated with hot chocolate fudge and tupped with a scoop of Vanilla ice-cream. The chocolate fudge was dripped across the whole dish to make it more sightly :D Haha. I suppose I'm going to be hungry again.
I suppose I had supposed correctly, I guess....
Just joking lah.LOL.
What made these dishes so significant and mesmerising was the fact that my elder brother SERVED my family :D He worked as a part-time waiter there :D The reason for the long waiting time cannot be revealed (: Although I got to know of it through my brother. LOL.
HAHA. The cafe Cartel I went to is situated at Siglap there bah. A few streets behind Victoria School. :D I wonder Ernest went there too or not... Cos my brother said that during afternoon, alot of students went there... :D
HAHA. Got to go now. Bye (:Labels: Diabolical Malediction