January 27, 2008 Sunday, January 27, 2008
Hmm. I'm rather bored today.
Yeah, tomorrow we're gonna have Chinese test and PLAY JAVELIN for PE.
Haha, yeah, Today's NAFA class was rather okay. Except for the 3 or 4 St. Nicholas girls who kept going in and out of the classroom. apart from that, it was fun.
Today, Yi feng told me some stories about the girls in his class. Walao, they are so wild and horrifying. The girls can scold the F word even if you just give her a little pat on the back. The girls also fold up their skirts and let the boys see you know what. OK.
TO girls: Why do you all wear mini-skirts arh?
AND anyways, HE painted a COW with poka-dots. So kevin named it COW- PARD ( cow + leopard) (: LOLLLL
LOL. Nothing to blog le.
SAYONARA!Labels: Diabolical Malediction
Unknown ppl...
January 26, 2008 Saturday, January 26, 2008
shi jie
I think we had a very 'cool' argument. Take a look at my tagboard, :D
I can't believe that those 2 bears live in basement when i live upstairs :DDDD
KEEP PRESSING REFRESH!!Labels: Diabolical Malediction
January 25, 2008 Friday, January 25, 2008
Arghh, maths homework again. Need to finish up 6 pages. Not too bad larh, very fun :P
Next week have Chinese test and Science test. LOL. Science I love balancing the equations XD
I have to revise. Lesser chatting le.
We forced our English teacher to write this crap (:
Anyways, tenkkyu miss koh for writing this:

BYE-retarded retards!Labels: Diabolical Malediction
January 24, 2008 Thursday, January 24, 2008
I stayed back today for a BLOODie IT project group discussion. Sian lorh. Nvm.
After the IT project discussion,
an ominious commotion arrived---
He scolded us," Ni men you mei you shou?"
Literal translation is DO BOTH OF YOU HAVE HANDS?
We were liked so pissed off lorhs.
FIne, I admit that we did not flag for the bus. But he can't just scold us like that one right?
Never mind about that.
Remember the bus plate number - S** 921 T
Oh yarh, today is the day when the 'O' levels results are released
Congrats to Gan Jie for getting a score 12 or 11 points and WX for getting --
Too good to be written here (:
Labels: Diabolical Malediction
January 23, 2008 Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Yeah, I recovered from my sickness. WOOTS!
Today's English lesson was fun. Because my found our English teacher's name in the periodic table. Here it goes:
Tellurium-Actinium- Hydrogen-Erbium
Te Ac H Er
Be Rn I Ce
Potassium Hydroxide
Silicon-Lithium-[NO GOOD] - I created this on my own xP
Si Li Ng
TeAcHEr - BeRnICe KOH SiLiNg (:
anyways, a random post from Miss Potassium Hydroxide's Tagboard(:
23 Jan 08, 22:42Shi Jie: miss koh evolves into miaa koh and evoles to meow koh
23 Jan 08, 22:24Shi Jie: u shld know who the a-KUEH-rius is.....XDDDDDDD
23 Jan 08, 22:20Shi Jie: HELLOS to a-KUEH-rius's GF
23 Jan 08, 19:09Shi Jie: article*
23 Jan 08, 19:09Shi Jie: THKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKS (: my newsppaer artcile reflection contains 226 words and above (:
BYE! have to do homework duh~Labels: Diabolical Malediction
January 21, 2008 Monday, January 21, 2008
Yeah, as you can see from the title of this post. I'M SICK today. I'm down with sore throat and flu. It hurts. Drats. D: Ergo, I didn't go to school today. You think it is lika holiday? NO WAY duh.
This morning, when I reached the clinic, i have wait for another 23 more people. That's like WTH?!
I waited and waited...
for like two hours plus...
That's like ZOMG!
I was like so exasperated and restless. Never mind.
Back to the subject, wait for 2 and more hours just to consult a doctor is like... wth.
I have never ever waited for so long just to tell the doctor crap and get the prescription or medicine. So sian leh.
*sighs deeply*
No choice have to wait patiently. I kept strolling in the park nearby. To and fro. Listening to my MP3 too. *sighs*
What a bad day today is.
Just now, Benjamin came to my house to pass me the homework. Lucky not much.
HE showed me this piece of crap written by Kai yuan. ( actualy the list of homework) TYVM
Wow! Write so much actually only have 3 homework. HAHA.(:
Except for the revision for tomorrow's maths test. I have to study luh and..
Anyways, Kai Yuan, *YOU ARE VERY COOL I TELL YOU(:*
gonna do my homework now. Sayonara retards.Labels: Diabolical Malediction
Projects ...
January 17, 2008 Thursday, January 17, 2008
Have to do so many projects, they're like countless lorh.
IT project, HE project, IPW, Art project, NE Quiz Competition and many more are drawing ahead. Sian leh.
wth lorh. Never mind. Shall not talk about this or it will only spoil my feeling. (:
Yeah, today's english lessons are better as our teacher Miss Koh introduced herself to our class. Yup. It was kinda thrilling. Yesterday she had shared some jokes with me and kai yuan and they were hilarious.
One of them includes this ----
"Rui Siang will spare no expense to pay for the toilet entrance fee" That's like LOL.
Then, it was IT lesson. Okay larh, not too bad. Quite sleepy. But my group was supposed to stay back today and I ACTUALLY forgot. Si Ding Le.
I went to Kai yuan's house instead. Then just when we're about to start on our project, Kai yuan told me that he had left the HE books in school.
WTH!?! Make me go to your house for nothing. But he promised to do it. xD
Doing maths and other homework now, so I gtg now, BUH BYE BITC-ARDS-ES!Labels: Diabolical Malediction
School days
January 16, 2008 Wednesday, January 16, 2008
OMG,my class wass scolded by Miss Betsy Teo today. She asked us to do some soul-searching which I think was useless(: Joking larh.
It really aids to improve our attitude especially during English lessons.
Then Kai yuan started calling my classmate Rui Qin names of all sorts xD No offence.
Guess the gender of Rui Qin.
1) Boy
2) Girl
3) Homosexual
4) Fish
Obviously it is boy. Just Joking.
Not really good-looking. like me. sad. ):
(: (: (: (: (:
Joking about the 'Just Joking Part'.
Have to do a English journal about 'My Hobby', class decoration for CNY, NE quiz competition, HE project, IPW, maths, maths and maths!
Stayed back today to do my art-folio and planning a layout for CNY deco. ;D
Screwed up my art-folio design and research. ):
Have to do revision le. YAY! ((((:
BUH BYE!Labels: Diabolical Malediction
January 14, 2008 Monday, January 14, 2008
Yeah, secondary two life is getting thrilling, and stressful along the way (:
To be frank, it's not that stressful larh, just get grounded by the everyday homework, which you're supposed to hand in them the following day (:
Sometimes you would even screw them up. It's like wth again. ):
Aha! Doing an english assignment where you're supposed to categorise phrases into metaphorical words, idioms and etc.
The words are so closely packed that I read them as follows:
-In the hearts of hearts my heart skipped a beat
-Soft hearted you broke my heart from the bottom of my heart
-Her heart's desire a change of heart
Everything just got to do with the word HEART
I was like so SIAN-ed but no choice. MY homework leh! NVM
::: No Further Posts Are Availabe For Now :::
(: (: (: (:
Joking larh.
Home econs was very fun today, we played who wants to be the millionaire. I WON! Just kidding. My class did. (: Miss Koh was like trying to act as the audience and stuff like that.lol. Yeah. The presentation was abit cheesy but overall it was great (: .
Maybe what I'm saying was just an act of console bah.
HAHA . Btw, MISS BERNICE KOH, I linked ya (:
Almost forgot....
Anyway, EMO-BEAR, WHO ON EARTH ARE YOU ?! Identify yourself now!
new blogskin
January 12, 2008 Saturday, January 12, 2008
Yeah, This is my new blogskin. (:
Today's meet at CP is cancelled.
Joey has an errand to complete.
Kai Yuan has to leave for his grandma's house by 5pm.
*sighs* Doing it the following week.
I gtg now, BUH BYE!
January 11, 2008 Friday, January 11, 2008
Omg, I'm like so enthu- in doing my assessment books. So wierd of me to do that (: HAHA
My english relief teacher is leaving today~
Lalala... =.='
Btw, to her, I LINKED YA! xDDDDDD
Hmm. Now then I realise I didn't bring my geography workbook back home, it is still in my school! Yeah, free from homework this weekend!!! But still have to study, next week is the week of TEST. Wth.
Die larh. I have to act for Literature. it is for CA1. My acting skills are like so average Pathetic. Acting is like going though a series of physical turmoil. ):Damn.
Arghhh... have to meet at Cp by 2pm ++ to help Kai yuan to buy his Assessment books; then I still have to go to Kai Yuan house tmr. Together with Joey.
Maybe it's gonna be fun.
Or rather, just plain.
Miss Lam will be leaving 2F today. But may come back the next time to take over as a relief teacher for literature. x)
I just can't believe the fact that our class has so many relief teachers, if I'm not wrong.
This is a conversation I had with Kai Yuan in 'jap' and it's funny(: My jap is LAN. Pardon me for mistakes (:
Me: Oi, koko ga akeru/hiraku ( dunno which one D:) -Hey, open here.
Kai yuan: Iie, CHAWAN MUNSHI wa, oishii desu !- No, chawan munshi is delicious!
Me: WTH?! That's out of the subject! you bloody (no offence)...
Kai Yuan: Gomen nasai, Watashi no keitaidenwa no bango wa oishii desu!- Sorry, my handphone numbers are delicious
Me: HAHAHA~ Nante? Doraneko wo sagasu ! (already broke into fits of laughter)- Why? Find a stray cat
I have completely no idea why i asked him to find a cat. Maybe these are the ONLY words i have instilled in mind. SAD.
[面白可笑しい] (:
Some of the words I ask from my god-sister one. Hahaha.
Blahhh (x
And Sayonara!(:Labels: Diabolical Malediction
January 6, 2008 Sunday, January 06, 2008
Wah, it has been a long time since i last posted ;D
That's cool
The first week of school is no different from the ones in the previous year.
Yeah, it's kind of boring but it also marks the year of streaming if i have spelt the word correctly.
Very important year, cannot neglect my studies le. How i wish i'm omniscient and erudite(:
Lemme write some comments about my new teachers:
Form & maths teacher - Miss Cheryl Ng - Strict but fun at times
Science teacher - Miss Hani - Strict but i do not know her very well yet. >.<
English teacher - Miss Lam(relief teacher)- Needs to improve her handwriting!Ex-student of my school but she has an amicable bonding with my class x)
Chinese teacher - Mr Chong - Looks strict too =/
Art teacher - Miss shereen - man, she rocks. NAFA student (:
History teacher - Mr Neo - Discipline master, seems to be very scary, but fun ;P
Geography teacher - Mr Tan - Talks very slowly xD
Literature teacher - Mdm Pey - Pregnant now, but gonna mark our mid-year exam scripts
DNT teacher - Mr Siaw - I did rather listen to his class in mandarin. :P
PE teacher - Miss Gan - Okay larh not too bad
IT teacher - Mr Melvin Lee - Jubilant but can be fierce
Home Econs teacher - Relief teacher - Havne't meet yet =x That's about all, hahas.
buh bye.
I have blogged as you all have wished.