November 29, 2009 Sunday, November 29, 2009

August 21, 2009 Friday, August 21, 2009
Today was English & SS paper Lol. Okay lah. Then ate at compass and met Joey Ruixi & Melissa they all. Then, Corine, Peiyu & Ronda went so high over the direct chinese translation in BK. BREADTALK haha! Then slacked around and around and around. Bought sweets at Minitoons and that Ronda stole my sweet lol.
Today was a pretty okay day :DLabels: Diabolical Malediction
May 27, 2009 Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Today got back our MYE rankings lol
Haiiz, alot of us failed english. Especially Jun Xiong, Chong Liang and Joy.
My results dropped drastically because I had difficulty juggling time between art and the other subjects. Now I know how le :D
okay, I forgot to bring the Olympics stuff edusave and mr tien wanted me to be in-charge of collecting the forms. Okay, I bought a new set of Pe tee and shorts :/
Had fun with the Floorball. IT WAS SUPER FUN
Ronda went totally mad and she kept calling out," EHH! MY BABY!"
LOL, Melissa, Rui Xi, Chonngliang, Francis, Alphonsus, Queena, Annabelle and I were crazy chasing the BABIES. LOL. Then, we shot1ball and we got 3 balls in return xD
Ronda treated the floorball racket/stick as a gun and we had to pretend to be shot LOL. Francis pointed at me whilst I pointed at Ronda. Francis said," Don't hurt my maid!" Ronda was like," HELLO?! EXUCSE ME?! WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?"
We went crazy before having a small competition with Chin Ann. He was supposed to do forfeit 2 times! HAHA. Then we had this inter-class Floorball competition, when it was our turn, my group was against Alphonsus's group. We went mad running from here and there and even collided a few times.
I told ronda,"Eh, how come you suddenly from here appear at the other side?"
Ronda replied,"Of course lah, we will win this competition. BAO ZAI WO SHEN SHANG"
Wah, so confident, and in the end wanted someone else to take over as the mid-fielder. HAHA
We really enjoyed ourselves.
Lastly, we had our final game with a bunch of girls, they were not enthusiastic over the game lol. So it was quite boring. HAHA Then we left with kaiyuan, Corine and Peiyu. The 2 girls later on separated after we had bought our bamboo poles :D We met Melissa, Ruixi and their group at popular and asked Ruixi to lend us her Popular card. Thanks!
Okay, I waited 15 minutes for my bloody bus before rocking my way home till 7.40pm
anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHICKEN. I know I was late for the movie and sorry guys! Uninvited was pretty interesting as it was not about ghost, yet it is about the reality where someone is prone to hallucinations. It was cool! hahaha. Its about this girl who had killed her mother, sister and stepmother-to-be. yeah, go and watch! :D
BYED!Labels: Diabolical Malediction
May 23, 2009 Saturday, May 23, 2009
Gawd it was super duper ultra ubber nice ;DDD
I love the twist in the story. HAHAHA, and the complication where Langdon and that girl (forgot her name) had to run arond rome to find the 4 red-reds :X In the end, the red-red chosen as the pope was the one found in the centre of the cross, which was the element "Water". Everything's about angels, saints and churches. Wow, Santa Maria De Victtoria or something HAHA.
Ewan Mcgregor is a bad guy, that's the twist! Love it :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Okay lah, byed!Labels: Diabolical Malediction
May 21, 2009 Thursday, May 21, 2009
Gawd. I think I screwed biology paper very badly. LAST QUESTION -.-
Had to rush for my art colour combinations and I forced Kaiyuan & Melissa to help me write! xD
Thanks Jellyfish and Monkey!
Then, had art exam from 11.05am to 2.05pm, heard alot of sharpening noises. After exams, Corine was like," Wah! Lin Lei's sharpener so big, no wonder so much noises" I turned around and saw her Too-too train pencil sharpener LOL. CORINE PACKED HER BAG LIKE PICNIC BASKET LO. Walao, still got one box of tissue, so many boxes of colour pencils, paint and
crayons. In the end, she had to hand carry HAHA.
Then had Rio Tinto, did until almost fell asleep, wasn't as difficult as expected. On the whole, the test is still okay la. Then, went to Compass with Jellyfish and Bear to have our cookies from Subway. Our 7/8 times post-exam activity, wth? I am alomost broke because of it :X Never mind, bought the cookies and atein Macs! I bought the McFlurry and got double toppings for $2.70 lol. We were like reading out the words on the wall, then I said "Chinese" instead of "Cheese" so awkward
SHUANG SHUANG SHUANG. We roamed the whole compass. LOL, walked from Action City to Kiddy Palace!! We were like telling one another the games we had played during the old days as toddlers. LOL
RONDA said - Haiiz, our parents not creative de, all buy same toys.
HAHA. True enough, alot of the games three of us had played before. I told ronda about Kaiyuan forcing his own sister to play__. Ronda was like," WHAT? Tell me!"
We roamed around it andtold one another how cool the toys are nowadays and then suddenly Kaiyuan splurted," EHH? Whose leg dropped on the floor?" I was like LEG?! and I found a shoe on the floor. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Then we walked to the Pram area and I told them," I think my mother last time used barbie pram to bring me out" We told one another," ehh, what if Mr tien is here, he will ask NI MEN ZAI ZHE LI ZUO SHEN ME?" Ronda replied," For my children!" xD
Then we reached the POOT-POOT-SHI-SHI area HAHA,
then Kaiyuan asked me," Last time my parents how to clear my dirts ah?"
I said," Coca-cola bottle"
Kaiyuan," HAHA, then my mother had to dig out and squeeze them into the bottle"
Then Ronda kept complaining about Thomas & Friends and DORA THE EXPLORER -.-
Gawd, then RONDA saw her BIG BIG DUMBO! I saw my BIG BIG POLAR BEAR xD
And I also found the Shake-butt family! BABY POOH BEAR SHAKE-BUTT HAHA damn cute lah. Ronda wanted to take a photo of the gigantic dumbo but got restricted by shop tender. She kept ranting," WHY SHE KEEP FOLLOWING US? er xin!" Wah, we spent a few hours that seem like decades in the Kiddy Palace.
We reached the bus stop that's in front of a super large field. THREE OF US RAN AND IT FELT SHIOK! Cos its freedom and I swear to myself tht I will run across that field once exams are over. I did. Ronda and I were like," EH! DUN STEP ON MY GORGE, DUN STEP ON MY WATERFALL, DUN STEP ON MY FLOODPLAIN, DUN DESTROY MY RESERVOIR, YOU DESTROYED MY VALLEY!" Hahaha. Although it was muddy, it was funnnnn. Ronda even claimed the muddy areas as swimming pools LOL!
Then we hopped onto the bus and chatted about the 3B's girls outing tomorrow. I didn't know PY was that impure HAHA. Okay lah, all the best and BYED!Labels: Diabolical Malediction
May 3, 2009 Sunday, May 03, 2009
Zomg zomg zomg zomg. MYE is coming as if its JUNE HOLIDAYS D;
I CANT SLACK ANYMORE. I need motivation and constant reminders! D:
Anyway, I'm beginning to LOVE Biology even more ;D
Thats a great achievement cos I did badly and detested it during Term 1. HAHA
Chemistry & Biology FTW!
PHYSICS IS -.- I'm seeking teacher's personal tuition tomorrow with bear and jellyfish xD
okay, gonna study now - I can't let miss chin & mr tientien down HAHA. yay!
gtg now. BYE!Labels: Diabolical Malediction
May 1, 2009 Friday, May 01, 2009
my 80 th post? O.o
Yesterday's art class was of another gossip session HAHA. Corine keep taking my things away without permission -.- She almost lost my black "inky' pena nd my ruler was also somehow lost in Lin Lei's pencilbox lol Si Hui had to leave frist, so she didnt manage to join in. Miss KOng suddenly kept praising Corine and she went," SEE?!" BHBly.
Have to do mid-year stuff O: busy year ahead!
After class, Qiaopo, Lin Lei & Corine started to talk about Xin Yi and I told them Xinyi might have a blog. They went," WHAT?! HAHAHA" Corine keep saying Xinyi is very not very good-looking and she kept moaning why she was called XINYI TOO xD Then we had to divert our way to the front gate because the staircase to the sidegate was closed -.-
Corine: EEE. Rui qin is very ugly!
Lin Lei: how he look like?
Corine: You know girls up there very big? Rui Qin is the centre and his butt poke out de. His motuh also look like fish.
Lin Lei: HAHA
Me: You know the NPCC/DnT teacher? yaa, like that de butt.
Lin Lei: HAHAHA!
Soon, we were at the spiral staircase.
Corine started saying," How I wish I can fly!"
Lin Lei replied,"Ya lo, we sometimes carry so many things and Howwe wish to put our things down at home immediately!"
I earlier on told ronda that I have a SILKAIR plane LOL.
Then, we walked on and on and the conversation about Xinyi started to get deeper.
Some of our conversation bits and pieces:
Lin Lei: I still dunno how Xin Yi looks like.
Me: You go to 3A and see which girl you find the ugliest and it will be her *no offence*
Me: Xinyi's face very square.
Corine: NO!! Xinyi face like pan cake, Mr tien's one then is like square!
Qiao Po: Xin Yi keep calling me- Qiiiiaaaaooopooooo qqqiiiaaaooopppoooo~~~ like ghost
Eveyone: LOL!!
Me: Xinyi got rejected by Rui Qin
Lin Lei: Rui Qin got ZI GE to reject her? EEEE
Lin Lei: Xin Yi likes Rui Qin?
Qiao Po: She told my class! she even told me that she had broke up with her boyfriend.
Corine: I dunno what she say she and her boyfriend forever love....
Me: Xinyi very sad. Rui Qin rejected her because he likes someone else.
Lin Lei & Qiao Po: who?
Corine: HAHA
Me: Rond....
Qiao Po: OHH, that girl who evryday take attendance? she go here go there de?
Corine & me: YA LOL!
Me: Rui Qin very emo over ronda
Corine: why?
Me: got one time in the canteen, Francis told rui qin about ronda and someone else. Rui Qin became so emo that he didnt even turn back when francis called him. His face look sad.
Everyone: REALLY? OMG LOL!
Then Qiao po had to leave first.
Lin Lei: I still dunno ho she looks like leh
Corine: aiya, she's very ugly la. WHY SHE HAS SAME NAME AS ME?
Lin Lei: You know _____ from np?
Corine & me: Err. dunnoo....
Lin Lei began to desribe her until I cannot control my laughter.
Me: Is she pretty or not?
Corine: do you think Lin Lei's description got pretty or not?
Me: OHH! I remembered le! She's super ugly! I heard she was rui qin's first girlfriend HAHA
Corine: EEEE! That one who always want to answer Qs in the hall from our school de arh? EEEEEEE~!
Lin Lei: haha yeah.
Me: That one is worse than Xin yi lor.
Corine: she's very ugly, her face so flat.
Corine: I did ecareers and it said I can be an artiste.
Lin Lei: you can learn drama!
Corine: ya! HAHA!
Me: so next time you'll be AH JIE ZHENG XIN YI! AH JIE XINYI!
Then Corine had to leave first for her bus or something.
Me: you still dunno how XIn Yi looks like?
Lin Lei: yaa cos I dunno how you all define ugly
Me: errr...okayyy....urr......XIn Yi is actually okay comapred to _____
Me: That one is super not good-looking.
Lin Lei: really arh? EEE
Me: Be careful rui qin likes you...
Lin Lei: whyyy?
Me: cos he anyhow target de. Like my classmate.
Lin Lei: but hy me??? I got boyfriend le.
Me: cos he very sad. He might find you since both of you go same tuition and live in same block.
Me; got hold hands after tutition?
Lin Lei: OMG NO!!!!!! EEEE
Lin Lei: I think I'll avoid him le..
Me: O.o HAHA!!
Thats the end of or coversation. HAHAHA!!! BB!!Labels: Diabolical Malediction